North Bay Condo Forum 2019

September 28, 2019


Location: Holiday Inn Express, 1325 Seymour Street, North Bay, Ontario

Fee: Member - Regular: $120.00 • NonMember: $170.00

Join CCI Huronia in North Bay on September 28, 2019 for our annual North Bay Condo Forum.  We are at a new location this year - the Holiday Inn Express on Seymour Street.   Don't miss out on a full day of educational topics that impact you and your condo, presented by a variety of industry experts.   Topics include:

Space is limited so register early to secure your seat!  

How To Register

To register, you can use our secure online server or simply download our printable Registration Form (PDF), and mail or fax your completed Registration to the address indicated on the form.

Register Online

Register by Mail/Fax