The Ontario government has announced that the majority of the province, including many areas within Huronia's boundaries will move into Stage 3 as of July 17, 2020. This means that indoor gathering limits will increase to 50 people and outdoor gathering limits will increase to 100 people. Gatherings limits are subject to physical distancing requirements.
As discussed in many of our webinars, which can be found through the following link:, the decision on whether to open amenities, hold in person meetings or relax restrictions within your condo is specific to your condo. The moving into Stage 3 does not change the discussions or suggestions expressed in the webinar presentations. As such, it is important to consult with your professionals to decide what actions your condo should take. There is not one simple answer that will apply to all condos equally. The Ontario government has released an information package for Stage 3 which you can access HERE.
Many municipalities have also imposed mandatory mask wearing for indoor settings. If your condo wants to impose a mandatory mask rule or policy, you should consult your legal counsel. The health officials have indicated that the wearing of a mask helps reduce (but not eliminate) the spread of COVID 19. As such, even if your condo introduces a mandatory mask wearing rule or policy the condo should still make sure that they continue with other measures to ensure that the premises are safe.
CCI Huronia wishes all of you a safe and healthy summer.