CCI Huronia Blog

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October 19, 2021 - Blog Post Tag(s): adapting to change || condo owners meetings || condominium communities || condominium owners || Connecting with others through technology || COVID-19 || pandemic restrictions || Social Connection || virtual meetings
Author: Joanna Tomaszewski Property Manager, Bayshore Property Management

How COVID-19 Affected Communicating in Condos

Covid 19 has changed many things around us, most of all how we communicate, not only with our friends and family but within condominium communities as well.

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October 19, 2021 - Blog Post Tag(s): adapting to change || condominium budget || COVID-19 || snow removal || waste and recycling
Author: Jeff Struewing Property Manager - Shore to Slope Management Services Inc.

COVID-19 Impact on Condominiums

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about many impacts on condominiums. While some are restrictions on amenities and day-to-day living, some impact the condominium budget and operations.

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October 19, 2021 - Blog Post Tag(s): adapting to change || Community || Connecting with others through technology || COVID-19 || don't sweat the small stuff || good hygiene || gratitude || Mental Health || Mindfulness || Pillars of Optimal Health || Social Connection
Author: Sonja Hodis, Hodis Law

The Positive Side of COVID-19

Although COVID has not been a picnic in the park, I do believe there is a silver lining to this pandemic.

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